Welcome to the example pages of the J1 Theme. J1 can be configured for your needs. Live Previews are available in the menu bar under Examples. You’ll find the Starter Web - the build-in website included - and some other interesting flavors of how J1 Theme can be used for your personal needs.
Current, the example section provides the following live previews:
- Starter
The theme Starter is a full-featured template for Jekyll to create modern dynamic websites. The Starter Theme gives web developers and hobbyists a rich toolset to build great sites and easy-to-use project management to simplify the build and deployment processes. J1 meets Jekyll and Bootstrap and makes a lot of friends. The template combines the best free software for the Web. JekyllOne is open source, and the modules packed are also free to use. No license issues for private or professional purposes.
- Agency
The example Agency is one of the most popular HTML themes based on Bootstrap V5 offered by Start Bootstrap. This theme gives web developers and hobbyists a simple and clean implementation of Jekyll for starting new projects. The template is free and open source, released under the MIT license.
- Freelancer
The site Freelancer is based on Bootstrap V5 offered by Start Bootstrap. This theme gives professionals a simple and clean implementation of Jekyll for starting a personal website. The template is free and open source, released under the MIT license.