This page is under construction. An updated version will be available soon. |
MsDropdown is a lightweight jQuery library to enable the use of images (or icons) for HTML <select>
based dropdown menus. The HTML standard does not support the use of images or icons in menu/dropdown lists. MsDropdown helps to make menu entries better understandable, and eye-minded. Additional menu icons can support understanding what is behind a lot.
MsDropdown API
Facere similique aut rerum sint suscipit culpa odio ullam itaque. Animi soluta earum ducimus et aspernatur deserunt. Laboriosam tempore odio saepe vel dolorum libero numquam cum. Eum qui ut inventore. Et similique rem provident cumque ullam nisi eos nulla officia in ipsam consequatur.
Besides selectedIndex, options, name, size, multiple, etc attributes/properties, msDropdown reads below attributes too.
Name | Description |
| As the name suggests, this attribute lets you choose that a form control should have autofocus when the page is loaded. Only one element can have autofocus. |
| If this property is enabled, you won’t be able to interact with the element. |
| It returns the name of the <form> element to associate the <select> with. This is readonly property. |
| It returns the name of the <select> element. |
| A Boolean attribute indicating that an option with a non-empty string value must be selected. Here is a surprise; you can change the default message too. Just set the |
Data attributes
Tempora quis neque ab facere sequi ipsam odit sequi aut. Consectetur voluptatum eveniet eius laboriosam nihil dolor nihil sed qui. Dolorem inventore rem expedita. Eveniet ea qui aut. Harum iusto suscipit architecto quod illo non.
Name | Description |
| This is the main CSS class. Default value is |
| If you are in need to hide the icon on the header. The default value is: |
| To interact msDropdown with an event. The default value is: |
| Sometimes you need a list of children bigger than the dropdown. This can help. The default value is: |
| By default, it shows all the options listed in the dropdown. If you need to show some rows you can use this attribute. The default value is: |
| If you enable this; multiple will automatically set to true. It shows a checkbox with each list item. The default value is: |
| If the checkbox is enabled; there is an extra field will be posted with the form. Say <select> name is "tech" and checkbox is enabled, tech_mscheck[] will be posted as an array. The default value is: |
| It lets you search by typing any key when msDropdown is open. Just like auto-suggest. The default value is: |
| If you set this attribute, it calculates the max height of the items and sets the child height based on the number provided in value. You can also achieve this by using the data-child-height property, only that set in pixels. The default value is: |
| If multiple is true and you select more than one item; it shows a text +N. N denotes numbers here. The default value is: |
| If |
Besides value, text, selected, disabled, class, and style properties MsDropdown reads the below (additional) attributes too.
Name | Description |
| This attribute is used to display an image in an item. |
| If you need to display any text on hover of an item. |
| To display a description along with the text in the next line. |
| You may use this if you want to display an image using CSS. |
Setter and Getter properties
Eveniet commodi porro molestiae minima nihil pariatur at quia. Necessitatibus nisi adipisci minima ut veritatis laudantium earum. Molestiae magni accusantium et. Voluptatem ipsam quasi ipsa delectus omnis ipsum voluptas voluptatem sunt ut qui. Asperiores quisquam illum culpa debitis facere eos ea magni.
Name | Description |
| This property is used to set and get the selected index.
| This returns |
| To set and get the length of the options. |
| Returns the selected value |
| This returns the selected text of the dropdown. |
| To make dropdown enable or disabled. You won’t be able to interact with msDropdown when it is disabled. |
| This returns the associated |
| This property is used to set or get the multiple. You may be able to select more than one item if multiple is true. |
| This returns the name of the <select>. I should mention here; msDropdown borrows the name from the original dropdown to work the "required" attribute. |
| A Boolean attribute indicating that an option with a non-empty string value must be selected. Here is a surprise; you can change the default message too. Just set the |
| If the size is greater than 1, It will be converted as a list. The size determines the number of rows to show. |
| It returns the selected <option>. |
| It returns the list of options. |
| It returns the selected data. You may find the following properties in this one object.
| This returns the current version of the msDropdown. |
Access on properties
Here is an example. The below dropdown id is "tech". Each element has a new property called "msDropdown" once it’s converted to msDropdown/image dropdown. You can access all the public properties and methods from that one.
let ddSelect = document.getElementById("tech").msDropdown;
Select a property:
Reminder: I’ve made ddSelect
as a global variable on this page. You can play with that in console
selectedIndex options length selectedText disabled form multiple name required size selectedOptions children uiData
Try to copy-paste the below code in the console. You can set and get all the properties.
ddSelect.selectedIndex = 0;
Public methods
Name | Description |
| Set the settings attributes, and you have an option to remake the msDropdown by passing
Below are available keys and default values:
| Add an item to select. You can pass second param as index; where you want to insert this item.
| Remove an item from <select>. And it returns the removed item with uiData.
| Move to the next index/item
| Move to the previous index/item
| Open the dropdown
| Close the dropdown
| If you have given any name of an option, will be returned. say, <option name="cd"></option>
| Return
| Show hide or get status of visibility.
| Calculate first item height and set child height.
| Add an event on the dropdown. Below are possible event types you can pass in the argument:
| Remove event listener.
| In case there UI is not updated. You can call this method.
| Recreatea a msDropdown.
| Remove msDropdown and returns back to the original dropdown.
Qui qui est sint eos ipsam. Illo iure voluptate amet assumenda et molestias beatae iure quae sed quis impedit. Nihil totam ipsa est culpa officia ea a odit quo at officia est velit numquam. Eius nisi a quis amet aut corporis voluptate modi et ducimus est voluptate repellendus ipsum. Officia veritatis corporis doloribus asperiores cupiditate.
Simple dropdown
Email FAQ Games Music Phone Graph Secured Video CD
There are two ways that you can apply msDropdown on <select> element
You can add `is="ms-dropdown"`attributes. Like we have in the below example.
<select class="tech" name="tech" is="ms-dropdown">
<option value="" selected>Please select one</option>
<option data-image="./dist/images/icons/icon_email.gif" value="email">Email</option>
<option data-image="./dist/images/icons/icon_faq.gif" value="faq">FAQ</option>
<option data-image="./dist/images/icons/icon_games.gif" value="games">Games</option>
<option data-image="./dist/images/icons/icon_music.gif" value="music">Music</option>
<option data-image="./dist/images/icons/icon_phone.gif" value="phone">Phone</option>
<option data-image="./dist/images/icons/icon_sales.gif" value="graph">Graph</option>
<option data-image="./dist/images/icons/icon_secure.gif" value="secured">Secured</option>
<option data-image="./dist/images/icons/icon_video.gif" value="video">Video</option>
<option data-image="./dist/images/icons/icon_cd.gif" name="cd" value="cd">CD</option>
You don’t need the below code if you have already included
in the bottom of the page. Like I’ve mentioned in the installation section.
In case you want to convert later by script, you can use the below code. You may use a CSS selector too.
new MsDropdown('.select_elements');
Dropdown with description
Did you notice? There is an extra attribute data-description
in <option>
<select id="payments" name="payments" is="ms-dropdown" data-enable-auto-filter="false" required>
<option value="" data-description="Choose your payment gateway">Payment Gateway</option>
<option value="amex" data-image="./dist/images/icons/Amex-56.jpg" data-description="My life. My card...">Amex</option>
<option value="Discover" data-image="./dist/images/icons/Discover-56.jpg" data-description="It pays to Discover...">Discover</option>
<option value="Mastercard" data-image="./dist/images/icons/Mastercard-56.jpg" data-title="For everything else..." data-description="For everything else...">Mastercard</option>
<option value="cash" data-image="./dist/images/icons/Cash-56.jpg" data-description="Pay at your doorstep...">Cash on delivery</option>
<option value="Visa" data-image="./dist/images/icons/Visa-56.jpg" data-description="All you need...">Visa</option>
<option value="Paypal" data-image="./dist/images/icons/Paypal-56.jpg" data-description="Pay and get paid...">Paypal</option>
Dropdown with checkboxes
Email FAQ Games Music Phone Graph Secured Video CD
<select name="tech_with_checkbox" is="ms-dropdown" data-enable-checkbox="true">
<option data-image="./dist/images/icons/icon_email.gif" value="email">Email</option>
<option data-image="./dist/images/icons/icon_faq.gif" value="faq">FAQ</option>
<option data-image="./dist/images/icons/icon_games.gif" selected value="games">Games</option>
<option data-image="./dist/images/icons/icon_music.gif" value="music">Music</option>
<option data-image="./dist/images/icons/icon_phone.gif" value="phone">Phone</option>
<option data-image="./dist/images/icons/icon_sales.gif" value="graph">Graph</option>
<option data-image="./dist/images/icons/icon_secure.gif" value="secured">Secured</option>
<option data-image="./dist/images/icons/icon_video.gif" value="video">Video</option>
<option data-image="./dist/images/icons/icon_cd.gif" name="cd" value="cd">CD</option>
Option groups
<select is="ms-dropdown" name="car_group">
<optgroup label="Mercedes Benz">
<option>Mercedes-Benz GLA</option>
<option>Mercedes-Benz S-Class</option>
<option>Mercedes-Benz E-Class</option>
<option>Mercedes-Benz GLS</option>
<optgroup label="Jaguar">
<option>Jaguar F-TYPE</option>
<option selected>Jaguar XE</option>
<option>Jaguar F-Pace</option>
<option>Jaguar I-Pace</option>
<option>Jaguar XF</option>
Dropdown with CSS images
<select name="countries" id="countries" is="ms-dropdown" data-child-height="315">
<option value='ad' data-image-css="flag ad" data-title="Andorra">Andorra</option>
<option value='ae' data-image-css="flag ae" data-title="United Arab Emirates">United Arab Emirates</option>
<option value='af' data-image-css="flag af" data-title="Afghanistan">Afghanistan</option>
<option value='zr' data-image-css="flag zr" data-title="Zaire (former)">Zaire (former)</option>
<option value='zw' data-image-css="flag zw" data-title="Zimbabwe">Zimbabwe</option>
Dropdown as a list
Please select one Email FAQ Games Music Phone Graph Secured Video CD
<select name="gameList[]" is="ms-dropdown" multiple size="5">
<option value="" selected>Please select one</option>
<option data-image="./dist/images/icons/icon_email.gif" value="email">Email</option>
<option data-image="./dist/images/icons/icon_faq.gif" value="faq">FAQ</option>
<option data-image="./dist/images/icons/icon_games.gif" value="games">Games</option>
<option data-image="./dist/images/icons/icon_music.gif" value="music">Music</option>
<option data-image="./dist/images/icons/icon_phone.gif" value="phone">Phone</option>
<option data-image="./dist/images/icons/icon_sales.gif" value="graph">Graph</option>
<option data-image="./dist/images/icons/icon_secure.gif" value="secured">Secured</option>
<option data-image="./dist/images/icons/icon_video.gif" value="video">Video</option>
<option data-image="./dist/images/icons/icon_cd.gif" name="cd" value="cd">CD</option>
Create Dropdown from JSON object
{description:'Choose your payment gateway', value:'', text:'Payment Gateway'},
{image:'/assets/mywork/web-components/image-dropdown/images/icons/Amex-56.jpg', description:'My life. My card...', value:'amex', text:'Amex'},
{image:'/assets/mywork/web-components/image-dropdown/images/icons/Discover-56.jpg', description:'It pays to Discover...', value:'Discover', text:'Discover'},
{image:'/assets/mywork/web-components/image-dropdown/images/icons/Mastercard-56.jpg', title:'For everything else...', description:'For everything else...', value:'Mastercard', text:'Mastercard'},
{image:'/assets/mywork/web-components/image-dropdown/images/icons/Cash-56.jpg', description:'Sorry not available...', value:'cash', text:'Cash on delivery', disabled:true},
{image:'/assets/mywork/web-components/image-dropdown/images/icons/Visa-56.jpg', description:'All you need...', value:'Visa', text:'Visa'},
{image:'/assets/mywork/web-components/image-dropdown/images/icons/Paypal-56.jpg', description:'Pay and get paid...', value:'Paypal', text:'Paypal'}
Below method is being called on "Click here to convert by above json" button.
function makeDd() {
'use strict';
//get the data from above json string
let json = new function (`return ${document.getElementById('json_data').innerHTML}`)();
//clean the holder
document.getElementById("json_dropdown").innerHTML = "";
//convert to msDropdown
MsDropdown.make("#json_dropdown", {
byJson: {
data: json, selectedIndex: 0, name: "json_dropdown",
size: 0, multiple: false, width: 450
//or we can use like this too.
/*new MsDropdown(document.getElementById("json_dropdown"), {
byJson: {
data: json, name: "json_dropdown"
What are the settings params
If you are creating with the help of JavaScript you might need this. So, how do you create it? Syntax is below
//Style 1
MsDropdown.make("element", {...settings});
//Style 2
new MsDropdown(document.getElementById("element_id"), {...settings});
And what are the settings params you can pass to the msDropdown? It is similar to the data-attributes, those I’ve mentioned above in this document. Only difference is that you passed as a camelCase key without the "data-". For example if you want to set child width, you passed in attribute as data-child-width="300px"
whereas you need to pass in settings as childWidth:'300px'
So, here is an example what you can pass in settings.
MsDropdown.make("element", {
byJson: {
data: null, selectedIndex: 0, name: null,
size: 0, multiple: false, width: 250
mainCss: 'ms-dd',
rowHeight: null,
visibleRows: null,
showIcon: true,
zIndex: 9999,
style: '',
errorMessage:'Please select an item from this list',
on: { create: null,open: null,close: null,add: null,remove: null,
change: null,blur: null,click: null,dblclick: null,mousemove: null,
mouseover: null,mouseout: null,focus: null,mousedown: null,
mouseup: null