Welcome to the manual pages of J1 Theme. A good decision to get on that page first. Certainly, there is no better place to learn what J1 Theme can do and what manuals are available to experience more.
The crucial first step in finding your way to Jekyll is done. Congratulations. The section Manuals contains all you need to experience what Jekyll and J1 can do for your website, for your new static web - if you like.
- Modules
Modules are Javascript applications for web pages like lightboxes, galleries, or sliders. A wide range of modules is available for the JekyllOne theme to power your content. Most modules have no counterparts in Jekyll Plugins or Addons; most of the features modules offer exclusively available with J1 Template and fill the gap of missing Addons and Plugins to create professional websites using Jekyll.
- Components
Components are the fundamental core elements of the J1 Theme. The core elements control the site generator Jekyll for the building process of posts and pages, and help to manage all the assets a website is using.
- Integrations
Web services out of the Internet cloud provide important functions for every professional website. Typical integrations provided by JekyllOne are commenting services or services to translate a website, monitor the site’s traffic, or implement advertising for a website.
- Plugins
Plugins are extension modules for the site generator Jekyll. In contrast to modules, plugins are written in Ruby programming language to be integrated into the page creation process of Jekyll. Plugins provide support for Search Engine Optimization (SEO), creating sitemap files, or providing support for the markup language Asciidoc.