The J1 Carousel Module is based on OWL Carousel V1 in the latest version. OWL Carousel is a powerful jQuery plugin for creating fully responsive and touch-enabled carousels and simple slideshows.
OWL Carousel V1 is used for J1 Theme as the default carousel solution. If you have plans to extend the current functionality of the Carousel Module, check section [Owl Carousel API] for technical details.
When more functionality is needed that cannot offered by a the default carousel module, for example a slide show, you should go for Masterslider available with J1 Theme as well. |
J1 Carousel
J1 Theme has fully integrated Owl Carousel V1. For the typical usage of a slide show with your content no manual configuration, no carousel initialization and no HTML code is needed. J1 Owl Carousel instances are created automatically based on a single configuration step with the Owl Carousel YAML file j1_carousel_mgr.yml
Module sources
The sources for J1 OWL Carousel are stored within the asset path of J1Template. You’ll find all necessary data files under /assets/theme/j1/owl_carousel_v1
├───css │ │ owl.carousel.css │ │ owl.carousel.min.css │ │ owl.transitions.css │ │ owl.transitions.min.css │ │ │ └───themes │ j1_template.css │ j1_samples.css ├───images │ ajax-loader.gif │ grabbing.jpg │ └───js owl.carousel.js owl.carousel.min.js
As for all modules with J1 Theme, the initialization of an in-page application is done by a 3-step-sequence: Loading the CSS and JS code portions followed by a final setup phase to make the module ready to use (J1 Initializer).
CSS load
The first initialization step is to load the CSS data needed. Beside the base CSS styles provided by owl.carousel.css
and the CSS transition definitions owl.transitions.css
, custom styles are loaded for J1 Theme by j1_europe.css
Loading CSS data is automatically done by J1 Theme with the |
<!-- Styles for CAROUSEL Manager (OwlSlider V1) -->
{% if page.owl_carousel_v1 and page.layout != 'app' and j1_modules.j1_carousel_mgr.enabled %}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset_path }}/owl_carousel_v1/css/owl.carousel.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset_path }}/owl_carousel_v1/css/owl.transitions.css" />
<!-- Custom CAROUSEL Styles for J1 Theme -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset_path }}/owl_carousel_v1/css/themes/j1_template.css" />
{% endif %}
JS load
The second phase covers the load of the Javascript portion. J1 Owl Carousel use a single library file owl.carousel.js
for development or owl.carousel.js
for production use.
Loading Javascript libraries is automatically done by J1 Theme with the |
The Javascript portion of J1 Owl Carousel is included by the
JS loader
component at the bottom of a page, before the closing</HTML>
<!-- JS components for J1 CAROUSEL Manager (Owl Carousel V1) -->
{% if page.owl_carousel_v1 and page.layout != 'app' and j1_modules.j1_carousel_mgr.enabled %}
<!-- Enable JS components for Owl Carousel V1 -->
<script src="{{ asset_path }}/owl_carousel_v1/js/owl.carousel.js"></script>
{% endif %}
J1 Owl Carousel can be accessed and|or modified dynamically at runtime. Each carousel defined, an instance variable is declared (by it’s id
) to access an carousel object later anywhere within your content. For more details see chapter Data methods later with this manual.
<!-- Setup GLOBAL JS variables for J1 modules -->
<script type="text/javascript">
{% if page.owl_carousel_v1 and page.layout != 'app' and j1_modules.j1_carousel_mgr.enabled %}
<!-- Setup instance variables for J1 CAROUSEL Manager (Owl Carousel V1) -->
{% assign config = %}
{% for item in config.carousel %}
{% if %}
var {{}};
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% assign config = nil %}
{% endif %}
JS initialization
Initializing jQuery based Javascript applications is done by J1 Theme using so-called Initializers. An J1 Initializer is a simple jQuery wrapper around an application to make all configurable options, given with the modules YAML file, available and standardize how a module is being setup.
Loading and running J1 Initializers are automatically done by J1 Theme by the layout BASE
for all content pages. The layout BASE
runs the Liquid procedure base_loader
on the HTML
section (region html-footer) to load the application init file based on the definitions specified by the JS Initializer file /_includes/themes/j1/pages/js_initializer.html
Every J1 Initializer offers (at least) one method: |
Finally, J1 Owl Carousel library is being initialized by the
JS Initializer
component on thedocument-ready
<!-- ++++++++++++++ -->
<!-- Load J1 Initializers -->
<!-- ++++++++++++++++++++ -->
{% if page.owl_carousel_v1 and page.layout != 'app' and j1_modules.j1_carousel_mgr.enabled %}
<!-- Enable Initializer for J1 CAROUSEL Manager (OwlSlider V1) -->
<script type="text/javascript"
src="{{ asset_path }}/{{}}/js/initializers/j1_owl_carousel_v1.js">
{% endif %}
<!-- Run J1 Initializers on DocumentReady Event -->
<!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
<!-- J1 CAROUSEL Manager (Owl Carousel V1) -->
{% if page.owl_carousel_v1 and page.layout != 'app' and j1_modules.j1_carousel_mgr.enabled %}
<!-- Initialize the J1 CAROUSEL Manager (Owl Carousel V1) -->
{% endif %}
The default values used for the initialization are taken from the module.
YAML Data File
All modules provided by the J1Template are enabled by default on module level. As the carousel module, like other modules, is not used on each and every page, the module has to be switched-on on page level by enabling the library with the front matter by setting owl_carousel_v1
to true
title: CAROUSEL Manager
tagline: User Guide
description: J1 CAROUSEL Manager
description: J1 CAROUSEL Manager
owl_carousel_v1: true
lightbox: true
The |
Similique a quaerat eos dolores aut quibusdam quis autem et minima quod sed. Molestiae ea aut maxime ratione. Sapiente quam consequatur dolorem ut est nisi architecto quo ut enim porro ad aliquam. Rerum sit rerum iste reprehenderit eius doloremque sunt. Exercitationem hic sunt et recusandae aliquid enim beatae consequatur labore autem.
Set slides (window) height
The slides aren’t actually 100% height – it’s just based on the proportions of the images used. Change the proportions of the window and you’ll see the slider doesn’t adhere to the dimensions.
Your best bet for 100% height slides is using height: 100vh; on the Owl’s slide class (.owl-item). That way, they’ll alway match the window size.
.owl-carousel .owl-item {
float: left;
height: 80vh; /* limit height of a slide */
.owl-carousel .owl-item {
float: left;
height: 500px;
Carousel Examples
J1 Carousel is based on OWL Carousel V1 in the latest (and unfortuneatly last) version of 1.3.3. OWL Carousel is a clean and neat jQuery slider plugin for creating fully responsive and touch-enabled carousel sliders.
OWL Carousel V1 is not longer available on the Internet; for unknown reason. Anyway, J1 Theme is using this version of OWL Carousel as a build-in carousel module because the software does an excellent job, is based on a MIT license with no issues using them for private and business use. And offers a lot of great features! |
Simple Text Carousel
A slider or carousel typically is used for displaying images but the implementation for J1 Theme support a lot more sources to be displayed as a slide show: simple text for example.
Parallax Text Carousel
A more eye-minded type of a text show is a parallax text slider. If you want to place emphasis on you personal statements focussing the meaning, this type of a slide show may be interesting. Image based slide shows may draw off the readers attention from the text, therefor a pure text based presentation may the better choice.
Parallax text shows are can be placed as banners on a page. A lot of different animations can be used. Internally, J1 Theme is using some of the really great CSS styles offered by annimate.css.
Simple Image Carousel
Carousels are mostly used for pictures data to animate the images as series. Find with the following some examples how to use a carousel for your image data.
A simple image show is useful for example as an animated (or not animated) banner presenting interesting things of your site or the products offered.
Carousel + Caption + Lightbox
Carousels can be used for a quite compact form of image galleries. This example show some pictures having individual caption text and support a lightbox to enlarge images full size. For the example below, a quite simple lightbox is used: Lightbox V2; or short: lightbox.
The J1 module lightbox is a simple Lightbox but offers a bunch of interesting features for displaying images. For example, lightbox can display all images (of a carousel) as a group. If one picture is opened in the lightbox, all the other can browsed as well.
One Slide Carousel + Lightbox
The build-in Carousel carousel supports multiple and single image shows. Here you find an example of an single image slide show with controls enabled to browse all images back and forth. An indicator below the slider shows how many images the show contains.
Carousel API
Aut sed nostrum eos vitae ut vel qui perspiciatis. Velit quia ex magni tempora numquam. Et ea aliquid est et quisquam ipsam nisi possimus magnam beatae ut. Exercitationem saepe voluptatibus molestiae alias recusandae et accusantium eligendi eum. Ea qui facere totam reiciendis.
The initialization of Owl Carousel is done by a 4-step-sequence: Loading the CSS (1) and JS code (2) portions, placing the HTML code of the carousel (3) followed by a final setup phase to make Owl Carousel instances ready to use (4).
CSS load
The first step of initialization is to load the CSS data. Beside the base CSS styles provided by owl.carousel.css
, the CSS transition definitions owl.transitions.css
are to be loaded.
Load CSS files with the
<link rel="stylesheet" href="path_to_css/owl.carousel.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="path_to_css/owl.transitions.css" />
JS load
The second phase covers the load of the Javascript portion. Owl Carousel uses a single library file owl.carousel.js
or owl.carousel.min.js
for the minified version.
The Javascript portion of Owl Carousel should be included at the bottom of a page, before the closing
<script src="path_to_js/owl.carousel.min.js"></script>
HTML Markup
Owl Carousel doesn’t use any special markup. The carousel works with any type of HTML block elements. The carousel data (content) needs to be wrapped inside the container element like this:
<div id="owl_carousel_id" class="owl-carousel">
The class owl-carousel is mandatory to apply proper styles that comes from owl.carousel.css CSS file. |
The HTML code of Owl Carousel including the content can be put anywhere within the `<BODY>`section.
<div id="owl" class="owl-carousel">
<div> Your Content </div>
<div> Your Content </div>
JS initialization
To make the carousel ready to use, the Owl Carousel instances are to be initialised using the options needed for your type and behaviour of Owl Carousel.
Finally, Owl Carousel library is being initialized on the
event for all carousel instances defined with the content.
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
// Most important Owl Carousel features
items: 5,
itemsCustom: false,
itemsDesktop: [1199,4],
itemsDesktopSmall: [980,3],
itemsTablet: [768,2],
itemsTabletSmall: false,
itemsMobile: [479,1],
singleItem: false,
itemsScaleUp: false
Owl Carousel offers a large number of options to make the look and feel and the behaviour of your slide shows in a wide range customisable. All options can be used as static parameters at setup time or dynamically used by data methods
(see chapter Data methods for more details).
Variable | Default | Type | Description |
items | 5 | int | This variable allows you to set the maximum amount of items displayed at a time with the widest browser width |
itemsDesktop | array | This allows you to preset the number of slides visible with a particular browser width. The format is [x,y] whereby x=browser width and y=number of slides displayed. For example [1199,4] means that if(window⇐1199)\{ show 4 slides per page} Alternatively use | |
itemsDesktopSmall | array | As above. | |
itemsTablet | array | As above. | |
itemsTabletSmall | false | array | As above. Default value is disabled. |
itemsMobile | array | As above | |
itemsCustom | false | array | This allow you to add custom variations of items depending from the width If this option is set, itemsDeskop, itemsDesktopSmall, itemsTablet, itemsMobile etc. are disabled For better preview, order the arrays by screen size, but it’s not mandatory Don’t forget to include the lowest available screen size, otherwise it will take the default one for screens lower than lowest available. |
singleItem | false | boolean | Display only one item. |
itemsScaleUp | false | boolean | Option to not stretch items when it is less than the supplied items. |
slideSpeed | 200 | int | Slide speed in milliseconds |
paginationSpeed | 800 | int | Pagination speed in milliseconds |
rewindSpeed | 1000 | int | Rewind speed in milliseconds |
autoPlay | false | int/boolean | Change to any integrer for example |
stopOnHover | false | boolean | Stop autoplay on mouse hover |
navigation | false | boolean | Display "next" and "prev" buttons. |
navigationText | array | You can cusomize your own text for navigation. To get empty buttons use | |
rewindNav | true | boolean | Slide to first item. Use |
scrollPerPage | false | boolean | Scroll per page not per item. This affect next/prev buttons and mouse/touch dragging. |
pagination | true | boolean | Show pagination. |
paginationNumbers | false | boolean | Show numbers inside pagination buttons |
responsive | true | boolean | You can use Owl Carousel on desktop-only websites too! Just change that to "false" to disable resposive capabilities |
responsiveRefreshRate | 200 | int | Check window width changes every 200ms for responsive actions |
responsiveBaseWidth | window | jQuery selector | Owl Carousel check window for browser width changes. You can use any other jQuery element to check width changes for example ".owl-demo". Owl will change only if ".owl-demo" get new width. |
baseClass | "owl-carousel" | string | Automaticly added class for base CSS styles. Best not to change it if you don’t need to. |
theme | "owl-theme" | string | Default Owl CSS styles for navigation and buttons. Change it to match your own theme |
lazyLoad | false | boolean | Delays loading of images. Images outside of viewport won’t be loaded before user scrolls to them. Great for mobile devices to speed up page loadings. IMG need special markup |
lazyFollow | true | boolean | When pagination used, it skips loading the images from pages that got skipped. It only loads the images that get displayed in viewport. If set to false, all images get loaded when pagination used. It is a sub setting of the lazy load function. |
lazyEffect | "fade" | boolean / string | Default is fadeIn on 400ms speed. Use false to remove that effect. |
autoHeight | false | boolean | Add height to owl-wrapper-outer so you can use different heights on slides. Use it only for one item per page setting. |
jsonPath | false | string | Allows you to load directly from a jSon file. The JSON structure you use needs to match the owl JSON structure used here. To use custom JSON structure see jsonSuccess option. |
jsonSuccess | false | function | Success callback for $.getJSON build in into carousel. |
dragBeforeAnimFinish | true | boolean | Ignore whether a transition is done or not (only dragging). |
mouseDrag | true | boolean | Turn off/on mouse events. |
touchDrag | true | boolean | Turn off/on touch events. |
addClassActive | false | boolean | Add "active" classes on visible items. Works with any numbers of items on screen. |
transitionStyle | false | string | Add CSS3 transition style. Works only with one item on screen. Values: |
To customize the behaviour of your slide shows, several callback functions are available with Owl Carousel. See with the following table all events that can be bound to custom functions.
Variable | Default | Type | Description |
beforeUpdate | false | function | Before responsive update callback |
afterUpdate | false | function | After responsive update callback |
beforeInit | false | function | Before initialization callback |
afterInit | false | function | After initialization callback |
beforeMove | false | function | Before move callback |
afterMove | false | function | After move callback |
afterAction | false | function | After startup, move and update callback |
startDragging | false | function | Call this function while dragging. |
afterLazyLoad | false | function | Call this function after lazyLoad. |
For existing carousel instances, several methods are available to modify the slider or add additional options to the show. To use Owl Carousel with dynamic data methods
at runtime, an instance object (variable) is needed.
Go for the following sequence:
Define a global instance variable
Initialize the Carousel Plugin
Load the instance data using jQuery
function -
Modify some data (options) as needed
data methods
at runtime<script type="text/javascript">
// Define a (global) instance variable
// outside document-ready
var owl;
$(document).ready(function() {
// Initialize the Carousel Plugin
// Get carousel data and store the object data
// in an instance variable (owl)
var owl = $(".owl-carousel").data('owlCarousel');
// Modify some data (options)
navigation: true,
items: 2
Find withe following table all data methods
available for J1 Owl carousel instances.
Method | Option | Description |
reinit(newOptions) | JSON string | Reloads an existing carousel instance with new or additional parameters. Parameters are given as a JSON object: |
destroy() | none | Destroy an existing carousel |
addItem(htmlString [,targetPosition]) | string, [integer] | Adds an additional image to the show. Parameter |
removeItem(targetPosition) | integer | Removes an image (item) from the show at the specified |
next() | none | Go to next slide |
prev() | none | Go to previous slide |
goTo(n) | integer | Go to slide |
jumpTo(n) | integer | Go to slide |
play([speed]) | integer | Start auto playing the show. Accept |
stop() | none | Stop auto playing the show |