2023 July, 8
A canonical link (canonical URL) allows website operators in an HTML document to identify the original resource with the content used more than once (duplicate content).
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Canonical links
This link type is defined in {RFC 6596} and is assigned as a link element to the canonical attribute, noted in the <head>
section of an HTML document.
<link rel="canonical" href="https://example.com/canonical_link/">
Why to specify canonical links
Several URIs often refer to the same content. Examples are dynamically generated content, as in forums or others. Content management systems (CMS) or website generators (SSGs) like Jekyll may reference to URLs where the same (or similiar) content available is under different addresses.
Linking websites, particularly search engines with their link databases, can thus find the original document for a page and click on it in the search results. The attribute was introduced by search engine operators, above all Google, to make it easier for their web crawlers the primary resource to be identified with certainty.
Incorrect use of canonical links (e.g., multiple in one HTML document placement of the item in the search results deteriorates or leads to deletion from the search engine’s index. It is highly recommended to specify the URL of the original content when other pages use the same or quite similia content. |
Generate canonical links using J1
For J1 Template it is very easy to specify the URL of the original content by using the canonical
tag in the frontmatter of a page
or post
title: Rouge
tagline: Code Highlighter
canonical: true
regenerate: false
permalink: /pages/public/learn/roundtrip/rouge/
For the build-in web, the source code of the previewer page at Rouge — Highlighter Themes is quite similiar to Roundtrip — Rouge. |